Sitewarriors can build you a custom player for music or podcasts that matches the layout and design of your site. Our custom players not only are capable of playing just a single selection but are also capable of playing entire playlists with absolutely no limit as to the number of selections but also no limitations as to the length of those selections. So if you only have one song or audio that you wish to put online or an entire collection we can build you a player that meets your requirements.

Sitewarriors offers the following Streaming Audio options

  • For Music - A sleek contemporary custom designed single audio player customized and branded to your site's design - $50
  • For Music - A sleek contemporary custom designed multi-track audio player customized (see example on left) and branded to your site's design - $75
  • For Podcasts - A clean and professional custom designed single audio player customized and branded to your site's design - $50
  • For Podcasts - A clean and professional custom designed multi-track audio player customized (see example on left) and branded to your site's design - $75